Good career decisions require a person to use a number of characteristics: experience, intuition, intelligence, awareness of the business environment, good listening skills and the ability to react when necessary.
Knowing some common mistakes before making decisions can be useful so you can potentially avoid them during your process.
Relying too much on expert information. Keep in mind that experts are human too and have their own set of biases. It is better to seek out multiple sources to get information rather than relying on a single source.
Overestimating the value of information received from other people. Sometimes, we look to others and place more weight on their opinion than we do our own. When you find yourself doing this, it is best to ask yourself: Do they know more about this problem than I do? Do they have personal experience with this issue? Keep other people’s opinions in perspective.
Underestimating the value of information received from other people. Other times we may have a tendency to discount information received from others. Keep in mind these people may have a different set of values, however they can provide a different perspective on a situation. This information can open up your mind to other alternatives. Next time you are discounting someone’s opinion, ask yourself why.
Only hearing what you want to hear and seeing what you want to see. Be aware of your own prejudices and expectations so that you can stay open to other perspectives and opinions.
Not listening to your gut reaction. Our brains take in more information than we realize and when making a decision we may have a physical response. Have you ever had a headache or stomachache after making a decision? This is your body telling you something. Our society generally wants us to ignore our feelings/gut reactions, but if you listen to your intuition, you can make better decisions.
Taking too little time to make a decision. If you rush to a conclusion without evaluating all of the options and information, you may be making an incorrect decision. It is important to follow the steps of the decision-making process and ensure that you are working with as much information as possible.
Taking too much time to make a decision. If you procrastinate in making a decision or don’t make the decision at all, you can lose the respect of your manager and your peers. It is best to set a reasonable deadline for yourself and stick to it.
Decision-making is a competency that can be developed through practice, practice and more practice.
Making a decision is a key to success in day-to-day living.